Sunday, November 29, 2009

Broadly Defined

Jen commented derisively on my use of the word "broad" earlier on the blog this morning.

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I fear she has the wrong idea. So let me take a minute to explain.

I like mid-20th century words.

I'm an old radio fan, remember?

So when I use the word "broad," I use it as defined along these lines:

A term originated in the 1930's meaning woman; derived from the fact that the most defining characteristic of all females are their hips, which are proportionally wider than the hips of their male counterparts;

"Look at those broads."


It is a word you use to describe a female.Photobucket

Used a lot during the 1930's -



Now it is not as popular-

--because most guys aren't respectable anymore.

I like to think of myself as one of the exceptions.Photobucket

Also, if you consult your Urban Dictionary, you'll notice that those which I've quoted are two of the three most generally approved uses of the term. The third being:

Less respectable than lady but much more respectable than bitch.

...i.e., "a great broad."

I hope this makes everything clear.

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