Forgive the crudity, what I'm really trying to determine, following up on a comment from Viper, is this.
We have here some women whose hotness is not at issue (for the most part), but whose intelligence, to be kind...is.

(Pray note, I'm not asserting they are all unintelligent...I'm just saying with each of these, it's an unresolved issue).

So my question is: Where does (alleged) dumbness override (undeniable) hotness?

Inquisitive minds want to know.
Tara Reid: OK, this one is a train wreck. The whole botched boob job and resident drunkard thing is a big turn off so, unless I had some serious BAC going on, I would probably pass.
Is that third one Megan Fox? This one is a tough one because, yes, she is reputed to be as dumb as a box of rocks. Dumb rocks, at that. But that scene in the Transformers where she is bent over looking into the engine, is a dealbreaker. She could have Downs Syndrome and on the strength of that one scene, I'd have to forgo my resistance to dip my oilstick in a engine full of fucktarded and go at it like a rat with a big erotic wheel of cheese. Sorry, it would just be too much to pass on.
I have no idea who that is in the red sweater but she has all the making to be included on this list, as far as looks go. Now, if she is "Kim Bauer" stoopid, then to answer your question: Where does (alleged) dumbness override (undeniable) hotness? .... I guess you would have to disqualify "vengeance fucks" where you would do it but be rough to satisfy your pure hatred for the relative fucktardedness of the shit-for-brains you are drilling.
Pink? Interesting choice. First, I'd be afraid she would flex and slice my penis clean off, cauterizing it in the process. I'd look down and my stub, back at her in amazed horror, and she would stick out her tongue all the way down and flash me double finger horns. (But I will give her props for showing up in the Moulon Rouge video in lingerie.) I think she would be one-night-stand worthy on the strength of some of her videos but only if she didn't know your identity (reference "Don't Leave Me" video.)
1. What's BAC?
2. In the red sweater is busty brown-butter toffee blonde babe Danielle Fishel, formerly nice-girl Topanga on "Boy Meets World."
I'm hoping she'll hit Playboy sooner rather than later.
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