This should include the legal right to marry, "gay" books in "mainstream" bookstores, more and "broader" representation in film and television, the lifting of DADT, etc. It's the only right thing to do, and the fact that it's taking us so long is an embarrassment.
As one or two of you also know, a few years ago I created a couple of gay women characters named Annabel and Keitha for a play/movie/prequel/short novel which I have yet to see produced of published. I love them dearly.
And before any of that, I've rarely been one of those guys who celebrate the idea of lesbian sex for the reason that...well, for the reason that most straight guys, apparently, do.
Also, as I want this blog in general to show, I genuinely appreciate women.
Now. All this is in reaction to having just come face-to-faces with this image of Rooney Mara and Emmy Rossum, and hoping to establish my bona fides as a pro-gay, women-loving-in-a-not--always-exploitative sense kind of fellow.
(Defensive? I'm not defensive! You're the one who's being defensive...)

(Mara is an actress whose face and name were unknown to me but she seems to be up-and-coming. Rossum's face and name are more familiar to me than her work. Before I decided on Liza Weil as my minds-eye casting for Annabel, I toyed with the idea of Rossum.)
(The image is from the film Dare, in which Rossum stars and Mara plays a supporting role, I think--I haven't seen the film yet. It got almost no release, but I wanted to see it even before I saw this picture. It's gotten good reviews).
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