One can certainly argue about whether they should have chosen to, or what the effect(s) will be of their choosing to. But brave? I dunno. Certainly they are free to make the choice, for better and/or for worse without putting themselves in danger; possibly physical danger.
Such cannot be said of a young Egyptian woman who, in an attempt to protest the strong conservative influence in that country, chose to post a nude photograph of herself to her blog.
Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, a 20-year old university student from Cairo, has sparked outrage in the Middle East with the controversial full-length image, posted on her blog last week.
It has since received 1.5 million hits and thousands flooded the site with insults.

You know what I like about that? It means that thousands of people went to see a pretty naked woman, but felt bad about it...so they blamed it on the woman.
It's just such a perfect model of the hard right-wing conservative mindset, and of course I'm not just talking about in Egypt.
But anyway, so, I wanted to say a couple things. The first is that, here is a woman who is truly brave for allowing herself to be exposed, naked, before a camera.
Brave in a way that I suspect most Playboy models wouldn't understand (please note my use of the word "most" there, as I'm sure there are many who would).
The second is that I generally like naked, pretty women.
Naked women aren't the only sorts of women that I like, nor is "prettiness" the only part of a woman I admire.
As I'd hope looking at any few days of this blog (or one of my others) would show.
But I do like them, naked, pretty women. And I won't feel bad about it. I mean for one thing, it's a genetic imperative, innit?
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