So I'm reading this book about disco. In the center photo section, there's a reproduction of a membership card for one of those "Disco Sucks" clubs from the great backlash of the late '70s.

On this card are the following codes of conduct:
I will never wear platform shoes.
I will never wear zodiac jewelry.
I will never listen to disco record and/or disco radio stations.
Silk dresses and three piece suits are extremely suspect.
Now, a lot of this I can go along with. I do listen to disco records (MP3s, now) and I'm not ashamed of that fact. But I don't even know why people wore platform shoes back then; I wouldn't want to see anyone wearing zodiac jewelry, and three piece suits are rightly synonymous with polyester.
But what did they have against silk dresses?
(The answer, likely, is "not much," which may have been the whole problem to begin with.)
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