(You can see other examples at that link, and there's a list for men too)
I know, I know, at least sort of creepy, right? Well let's see if we can kill some time with this nevertheless...
(Come on Barbie, let's go party)
Hair: Jennifer Aniston.

Jennifer Aniston, a photo by Modern Girl Style on Flickr.
Hey, have any of your dos inspired an entire line of cuts?
Eyes: Anne Hathaway.

If you think I'm going to argue with this...you must be new to my blog(s).
Cheeks: January Jones. And no, they're not the cheeks you're thinking of.

Nose: Nicole Kidman.

I think I'd go for the legs. But then, I like a slightly more prominent nose. Like Britney Spears:

-- Before she had it done (ironically enough in this context).
Lips: Angelina Jolie.

Angelina Jolie, a photo by Paul's flying high, defying gravity on Flickr.
I suppose so, but I think I'd just go for the whole body. In for a penny, in for a pound, I always say.
Actually I think this is another one where I'd choose someone else before she did god-knows-what to themselves. In this case, Courtney Love...

Jawline/Chin: Keira Knightley.

Yeah, I think I'll go along with that.

I need Jennifer Aniston's body, baby, from dusk till dawn.
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