Its times like this I really love our modern technology.
If you know nothing else about the new film "Love and Other Drugs," you likely know this: It features my onetime future stalking victim Anne Hathaway in all kinds of steamy sex scenes, taking off her clothes and showing a lot of her body.

Naturally, I approve. And I don't feel particularly misogynistic for it as they've hardly been shy in making this a selling point of the picture, with which Ms. Hathaway has cooperated.
Clearly, with this picture, she is selling her body, at least a little bit.
I make no judgments.

Ms. Hathaway is a grown woman.
But as so often happens in these cases, it appears that the film is otherwise not completely successful.
So I figured, OK, I'll wait the five months or whatever 'till it comes on DVD.
I had reckoned not upon home video cameras and the Internet...
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